Sunday, August 24, 2008


Let us assume that there are three ways to reach London. Along with this assumption let us also assume that three people take these three roads to London. Now each one of them would have traveled by different means to reach London and each person would have a different travel experience reaching there. Now the three of them will meet at the King’s Cross Station and will discuss about their experiences. Each of the three of them has assumed that there is only one way to London and that is the one taken by him. So there is a heated argument that erupts amongst the three. One says there were two churches on the left hand side of the train’s direction. The second says there was one church, on a hillock and to the right of the bus’ direction of travel and the third says “how can you see a church when you are ferrying on a boat from Calais to Dover?”. All the three have forgotten that the more important aim of all of them was to reach London and the path to it was of secondary importance.
This is so true with all religious leaders. They have forgotten the objective and are arguing over the path taken to reach that objective. If you call your father Daddy, your neighbor call his father Papa and your cousin call his father Pops, would it not be foolish to fight over which form of address is correct.? So what if one calls his FATHER Jesus, another calls his DAD Krishna and yet another calls his POPS Allah.? Can’t you see it’s the same person? I don’t know if god is really crying or laughing on seeing millions being massacred, raped and tortured on the argument of which form of address is correct. Please remember God is asexual which means God can be a mother or a father, whichever form gives you comfort. He is the one and all, you say. In that case why don’t you leave the decision to him as to who’s right and who’s wrong. Why do you think that omnipotent being requires your help for his protection? Does the matter end if a few skulls are split open a few limbs severed and a few gallons of blood shed? If that was the case, everytime there was a war this ‘Whose god is correct’ dispute should have ended. If this is what one’s religion teaches him then are we not safer in an a-religious state?
Tsink about it - Mosho


Narendra shenoy said...

Hey! welcome to the evil world of blogging! I enjoyed your blog thoroughly. Keep going!

Shyam said...

first of all, why do you need to believe god exists???