Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Capsules for Nirvana

In This World, other than Food, Clothing and Shelter, one seeks solace in the possession of Money, power and fame. These are the most sought after commodities in this world. These are fuelled by the innate desire to be noticed and appreciated by the opposite sex.
In the classical situation the male has the urge to play the provider (to provide the female's objects of desire- and ultimately be the source of her satisfaction & happiness) and the female plays the role of the needer (pardon my vocabulary).
Psychologists say that a man feels intimidated by a woman who shows no signs of needing him to provide anything. They also feel that some females who know that playing the needer titillates men play this " I need you for my living" game very well to manipulate the environment to their advantage.
But let us assume that you've got enlightened with above-mentioned bit of knowledge and you neither want to play the needer or the provider, would not life become very boring? Therefore wont you want to just finish with this world as soon as possible? I am not suggesting suicide but is it not like you are suffering through a movie that is terribly boring and wish it would end very soon?
When you reach this level in spirituality, you don't want to be manipulative in anyway and therefore you realize that this worldly activities are very boring. Therefore you'd want to experience bliss that Osho, Buddha and other great seers talk about by meditating and feeling that nothingness..
Sat (Truth) Chit (Consciousness) and Anand (Bliss): This is supposed to be the nature of God.
Tsink about it- Mosho


ichatteralot said...

Being on the spiritality road myself, a part of me can see this cat and mouse game between men and women going on and at times I do play this game as it is life. The world around us does not understand people who dont play games and hence are considered boring and dead :)

Will check out the movies - thanks for the suggestion. Any suggestions on reading materal?

Moshe said...

Dear ichatteralot,
I dont think you need to worry about not being understood by the rest of the world. The world would'nt understand you anyway. Just beat the retreat in the path of your choice. Ultimately what you do should bring YOU happiness and not anyone else.
Reading material suggestions:
The Kite runner -Khaled Hosseini
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
City of Djinns - William Darlymple
A History of Western Philosophy -Bertrand Russell