Friday, October 3, 2008


What we can do at a micro level to make this world a better place:
1. Every time we fill petrol into our vehicles - opt for the higher grade fuel(like Power, Turbojet or Speed ) as it is less subsidised than the regular variant. This will help the country reduce its burden on fuel subsidy.
2. Every time you walk out of a room after dark, forget not to switch off the light. It will reduce the power demand in the country and also help in the reduction in global warming.
3. When you are in a mood to donate anything, donate a CFL bulb to someone who can replace his regular tungsten bulb with the CFL. This will also reduce power demand, reduce his electricity bill and reduce global warming.
4. Never turn away from a tap with water running. Go, switch the tap off. The Chinese equated water with money and therefore thought that wasting water is losing money. I agree. I also think that water is a scarce commodity and a vital one too. Therefore there is wisdom in saving water. Don't let the tap water run while shaving. You can collect water in a bowl and shave. It saves a lot of water.
5. Try as much as possible to buy goods and consumables made in your local area, your state, your country and the rest of the world, in that order. The logic behind this is this is the longer the distance between the consumer and the manufacturer, the more the fuel consumed in the transportation, therefore larger the carbon print and associated problems. This is more so in the case of imported fruits and vegetables, because along with the fuel the goods require to be refrigerated. Now we know that refrigeration comes at an ecological cost. The higher the period of refrigeration, the higher the cost.
6. Perishable goods that have to come from really far-off places need to be preserved. Now , we know that preservation can be made possible only with the use of chemical preservatives and stabilizers.Therefore the hazards associated with these chemicals, both medical and ecological, are being bought by you at the time of purchase of these goods. A study in the UAE has suggested that childhood obesity and decrease in the age of onset of puberty is linked to the preservatives used to preserve meat coming from overseas.
7. Try to ride a cycle to work. If the local grocer or barber is not very far from where you live, walk the distance. Walking to any place is only a matter of habit. Shed that ego. Walk it.
8. When in a high-rise building and you want to go down, walk down the stairs. This will save the electricity needed to bring the lift up to your level and then go down to the ground floor.
9. Keep the computer on a none-screen saver mode.
Tsink about it.


Sandy said...

Very well said... Wish every individual contributes at a micro level to make this world livable for the generations to come.

Can I use this on my site and of course while giving credits to you.


Moshe said...

Dear Sandy,
You are most welcome to use this or any other material that I post on this blog for the benefit of the society at large. It is not important to me whether I get the credit or not.
Regards and Best Wishes,

Sandy said...

Dear Mosho - Thanks for the permission to use this content.
