Sunday, November 30, 2008

Proud and Ashamed at the same time

Dear all,
In the last three days we've heard so many words that we've not heardtogether in one lifetime.
Intelligence Failure, Mumbai's (never say die) spirit, enough is enough, Dastardly act (did they get the spelling wrong?), compensation, NSG, Marcos and a lot more
We saw a plethora of allegations made against various people and institutions. I also saw a TV channel say that the NSGs were late. We saw that the kind of Raj Thakerey were too scared to come out of their holes to even make a statement. Apparently this 'Maratha Manus' was busy putting his foot in his mouth when the 'North' and 'South' Indians saved his skin and 'his' city from the mouth of terrorism.
We saw a useless Home Minister resign taking 'Moral responsibility' for the attack on Mumbai. His response for a previous demand for his ouster was "Kya mein Sharab Peeke aata Hoon?" (do I come drunk to the office?). It now looks like that he did. I am ashamed that I am governed by such people.
I think that the moving of the troops to the Border is an excellent Idea. A decisive war with Pakistan is inevitable and what needs be done tomorrow can be done today. But we must also remember to strengthen our presence on the Bangladesh Border. This country is equally nasty.
What made me proud was the way in which the NSG and other security agencies co-ordinated and cleared the area with minimal damage in terms of human loss . Equally Brave were those South African Commandos who rescued a lot of people. My heart goes out to Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, Commando Gajender Singh, ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, Senior Inspector Vijay Salaskar , Addnl. Commissioner Ashok Kamte and 18 policemen who laid down their lives for a country which did not pay them well, made them work inhumanly overtime, interfered in their jobs and ridiculed them for the good work they did. It is a miracle that these people and their likes work for our safety inspite of our attitude and apathy towards them.
The media overall, I think did a fantastic job. There were Reporters lying on the floor, on top of the roofs of strategic buildings in the neighbourhood and on ground zero not wearing any bullet-proof jackets and constantly reporting. Those channels that were worthy of praise were CNN-IBN, Times Now and NDTV 24 X 7. I would particularly like to mention Arnab Goswamy, Barkha Dutt, Srinivasan Jain and Rajdeep Sardesai.
However ther were a few channels that were trying to maximise their milage by sensationalizing the whole issue. The channel TV-9 in Kannada was beaming the whole episode under the title called 'Ugrara Attahasa' (loosely translated as The Sinister Laughter of the Terrorists). Where are your morals TV-9? Are you not making heroes of those bastards? Dont you know that in such situations you need to underplay the doings of the terrorists per se and concentrate more on the NSG in action and the damage that was caused by the terrorists?
A lot was heard on the matter of what is to be done to combat terrorism. Most people believed that we need to bring in stringent anti-terrorism acts to combat terrorism. What do you think? That these jobless youth who are brain-washed into believing that by terrorism they are fighting the Jihad , who are doped with drugs that alter their behavior by Pakistan, L-E-T and Al Quaeda, who are trained to be remorseless for what they do and are funded, care two hoots about a 'strigent' law in a foreign country that has an ultra slow judicial process, deep rooted corruption and where the police and politicians are in nexus with the underworld? I think not. We have also seen that every time a stringent anti-terrorism law is mooted, it is vehemently opposed by many politicians because they know that many of their party-men will be booked under that very law!

I think that the Government of India must get the Ulema (The religious leadership of Islam) to issue a fatwah against all people who spread terror in any form and declaring in no uncertain terms that these people are not Muslims and are the Kaafirs of the worst order.
At the same time both military and diplomatic pressure should be mounted against Pakistan and Bangladesh (with the help of World Community-or else China will step in to help these rogue countries) to: 1. Surrender Dawood Ibrahim and 2. To stop training terrorists or allow training camps on their soil. Or else......

I think that another Indo-Pak war is inevitable. Be warned and be prepared.



Narendra shenoy said...

Well said! Though I hope and pray there is no war. It's too dangerous in these nuclear days. Still, que sera, sera.

Moshe said...

Thank you for that comment. But we are already seeing indications that India is going to get tough with Pakistan on the terrorism issue.