Monday, December 1, 2008

"Allo, This is V S Achutanandan Barking, Bow Bow"

Tring Tring

"Allo? Who is speaking"

" Allo, This is V S Achutanandan Barking, Bow Bow."

" I Heard you were booted out by Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan's Father?"

"I had just gone to give my condolences to the old man. If it were not for 'our' Sandeep, even a dog would not go to their house."

" But I heard that you went there only after you were severely criticised by the opposition and the media for not even releasing a statement?"

" I would have. But I had more important things to do."

" Like....?"

" Like inaugurate a few functions, stop fights that take place within my cabinet, play with my grandchildren. These are more important things than to pay homage to a silly soldier who did not even live in Kerala!!."

" Saara(Sir in Malayalam) , you said if it were not for 'Our' Sandeep, even a dog would not go to his house. But I think a dog did sneak into Sandeep's house and his father chased it away. "

" (Violently), Bow Bow Bow Bow............"

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