Hi everybody,
I am going off to Goa for a week. So I thought I'd post a couple of blogs before I leave.
The Things that we do that we know that are wrong and have a 'Everybody Does It' attitude about:
1. Rip music from an original CD to a MP3 player or to another CD.
2. Watch a Pirated DVD/ Listen to Pirated Music.
3. Break Traffic Rules.
4. Eat Meat :This is done with a presumption that animal life is inferior to human life and that humans are masters of the animal world.
The other argument for the above is that this is the circle of life. Man stands nowhere in the circle of life. He's definitely at the 12 o'clock position in the circle of death. We breed poultry and animals and give the circle of life theory to justify their killing.What crap!
5. Drink and Drive.
6. Smoke in the presence of Children
7. Discriminate against women. This is more abhorring when it is done under the pretext of protecting their vanity by using religion and customs as its basis.
8. Not apologising for the wrongs we do, especially to anyone younger than ourselves.
9. Using or encouraging child labour. This includes eating at road-side eateries that frequently employ children and going to a mechanic who employs chidren.
10. Scandalize somebody.
11. Speak maliciously about somebody especially without proof.
12. Belittle a person or organisation who/which is doing service to the society.
13. Watch movies that make fun of the blind, deaf, handicapped or mute persons or those with a stammering problem or a squint, or those who are fat or look ugly and LAUGH about it.
14. Keep pets and not take good care of them.
15. Cheat the government on income-tax, sales-tax or property-tax.
16. Using Domestic LPG cylinders for vehicles as fuel or for commercial purposes.
17. Rigging the water/ electricity meter to evade large bill-payments.
18. Not returning any money found to the owners or authorities.
19. Not Voting in elections.
20. Buying animal products especially products made from endangered species, like Ivory, tiger tooth, Tiger claw, elephant hair etc.
21. Exhibit cruelty towards animals eg. Using Bullock carts for transport, pelting stones at dogs, tying a burning cracker to a cat's tail etc
Tsink about it.
Ramdev Baba and the marinaded mutton chops
8 years ago
Hi, I came thro to your blog via Narendra's blog.
Very true list, one other thing to add is polluting / throwing rubbish on the streets.
Re:child labour, how true and how very sad.
Have a great time in Goa!!
yes, this is really true. but i believe some people knows these things but they just ignore it and assumes that they are still doing right. it's called ignorance. but thanks for the nice article though!
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